is a difference between being the shooter and the shootee in a driveby
shooting like our Gunshot Wound Award. Here's the score today.
Ball Blazing Fantasy(Score: 6):Proof that you CAN polish a turd game
concept until it shines very brightly!
Nietzsche SE(Score: 1):Never Again!
The final frontier. These are the voyages of the USS FakeShip.
It's continuing mission to make millions of dollars off of pathetic
nerds who obsess over it's every detail and whim. Enjoy the reviews.
0 : The careship Iwannathrowup
1 : The ill-fated USS Redshirt
2 : Enterprise. Yeah, it SUCKS.
3 : That USS Enterprise that blew up in like 1 episode.
4 : I dunno, some stupid star trek thing to save a
bunch of crap lousy whales.
5 : Voyager? How many ships are there?
6 : Defiant. The next four at write themselves!
7 : The first USS Enterprise.
8 : That second USS Enterprise. Galaxy Class.
9 : The latest USS Enterprise. Sovereign Class
10 : The Millenium Falcon. Star Trek sucks.