The Edge
SJ Zero was reading the newspaper a while ago when he started laughing like a madman. I was hoping he had decided to convert to the Church of Alien Jack Nicholson(greets to the death-caterpillar branch), but instead he was reading the freakin' newspaper. It wasn't so bad though, because the article he was reading is near and dear to my old lady change-like heart. This survery says that Americans feeling are hurt when they see canadians wearing canadian flags. If I need to tell you why that's so freakin' probably as dumb as the people who took the survey.  God Bless America, where just knowing someone is from another country and is proud of it is enough to make ye just break down and cry.

Most people would just want to point and laugh, but I think this is a great opportunity. For manipulatin' the masses, that is. I don't wanna hurt anyones feelings, but I think I can FIX 'EM.

Here's the plan. Lets have everyone put their nations flag in the game. We'll have a dainish flag for Joakim, a swedish flag in Jocke the Beast, A canadian flag for Darkdread, A Vietnamese flag(I think) for that Ryorinin07 guy, a New Zeland flag for Nexarinus, a Australian flag for X-Bot's work, throw in a few chilean, and phillipino flags, hell - Let Rockuman, Ninkazu and Nekrophidius use their American flag if they want to, and we've got a recipe for repair, my freinds.

I figure there can be two ways this'll work. Either they'll fling themselves off of  buildings, or they'll realize how stupid they are for being offended by people being proud of their country and wise up. I gotta confess though, I kind of want the first, because it would be fun to watch on TV.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

-Alien Jack Nicholson isn't anti-american, just anti-STUPID.

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