is a difference between being the shooter and the shootee in a driveby
shooting like our Gunshot Wound Award. Here's the score today.
MUX(Score: 8): A thousand congratulations are in order for this
stunning achievement of 3d in QB. It also has a story and gameplay! I'm
shocked and appalled!
Dark Woods(Score: 7): This text based puzzle game came from out of my
blind spot to score a suprise 7.
Last Fantasy(Score: 0):This.... is.... the....
worst.... QBRPG.... ever!
Konrad the Warrior(Score: 3):A game that forgot it's supposed to be a
game. Attack? Attack!
QB Games are like soda pop. It's
either great and thirst quenching, or
horrible and god awful and "oh my god I can't believe you made me drink
that crap". Also like soda pop, it doesn't age well. That's my great
insight for this month. Enjoy the reviews.
0 : Ass Cola (aka Pepsi).
1 : No-name hick town "Brewed by Cletus" Cola.
2 :Supermarket no-name cola.
3 : Diet Pepsi. Mmmmmm. Aspritame.
4 :Cream Soda. Wha-- Pink?!
5 : Jolt Cola. Use only as directed.
6 : American Red Bull. It ain't Asian, I'll tell you that!
7 : Mug Rootbeer
8 : Barqs(which has bite, don't ya know?)
9 : Coke.
10 : Root Beer, the way they used to do it.